OMM Ep.13 | Better Facebook Posts Using Micro-Funnels
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Hey guys Marshall here from how2ecommerce.com; wanted to talk today in the podcast about sales funnels; and in a short way, how to use them for your Facebook ads and your Google ads; so today we're gonna talk Facebook ads and how to use a sales funnels; or should I say, how to set up your Facebook ad properly; to get better click rates and Click Through Rates. (And More Sales!)
What I'm seeing is a lot of people, especially in the furniture niche, which is what we're focusing on for the month, setting up a great Facebook post; they might put 20 or 30 items in or maybe one or two items; overall quite a few pictures; long story short the post looks fantastic!
But they don't take the time to put in a link directly to the item on their site, maybe they don't have it on their site, but if they do, they (that is you) should be linking to it in every post.
I know inventory turns over quite often for some local businesses; or at least quite fast. I should say, if that's the case and you can't put a link in your post that goes directly to your site, sorry, directly to that product, or that furniture set, whatever the case may be, on your site, that's okay.
If things are turning over fast enough I totally understand just letting people know 'hey this isn't available on our site because it's a product that's in and out' or obviously, use better copy than that, but something to say 'act now' would work.
'inventory moving fast' 'limited stock', something like that is great, however, most of us can take the time to put these items (from your FB posts) up on your website.
If you can put them up on your website or if you do have them up on your website already, they're much more advantageous; meaning you get a much higher click-through rate; you get much cheaper cost per click and you get a lot better acquisition of new customers; meaning they're a lot more likely to buy, a lot more likely to follow up (come back to your site to review the product), a lot more likely to come in store........IF they can go through the sales funnel and see the product more in depth.
sales funnel = path you take the viewer on to turn them into a buyer.
So let me show you what I mean about a sales funnel,
Let me find somebody who's done it right; we won't really pick on anybody who's done it wrong.
Since I work here in Fresno there is a local shop, it's pretty big nationwide, or at least on the west coast, Mor Furniture and they're doing it right.
They follow a pretty good succession of putting up good posts, one to two images, sometimes they'll put a carousel, but, usually just one image.
I don't know if they've done research on just one image vs a carousel, probably not; it's probably more likely that they just think this single image is best.
The Big Point I want to drive at is, they have a link right to the product in their post.
So in this post it's not very clear, with this image, but, they're showing the nightstand (see video above).
I would probably run a carousel post that showed maybe this image and then led in with a few more images of a close-up of the nightstand itself; then, if somebody wants to click the link, bam! they will be taken right to the product onsite.
If I click on the link. Here. I'll just do it real time; give it a second to load; and it should load right to the product itself.
That's what it does...
(see video for more clarification)
So there is a slight disconnect in this sales funnel.
Because they have a single image and they're going right to the nightstand with the link in the post, it doesn't give the customer much more info before asking them to buy buy buy!
There are a few more angles of the product on the product page, but they're not, you know, really that different; they're not looking inside the drawers, they're not talking too much more about the product; with images or in the description.
They have good related products here, especially because it's added in a set.
I love to see these sets on a product page. This is kind of an upsell for the potential customer.
However, the big thing is, they don't really have a follow up in between the post and the actual link on the site.
So one more step, like I mentioned before, could be just a carousel style post that shows more angles of the product and how it can fit into a set
Or talking about the item in the description on the product page
BUT, overall Mor Furniture is doing it right. They have a link directly to the product. That is a big big part of improving clicks, click through rate and sales.
I know both Google & Facebook would love to see more description info on the product page.
So, I'll wrap this video up it's reaching right at about five minutes; trying to keep all videos right around that length, but I just wanted to give you guys a brief synopsis, in the furniture realm, about sales funnels and how to improve your posts.
Rather than just sending people to your homepage or just showing an item on your site in a post, try to link directly to that product in your post.
I am sure you have seen tons of comments in your posts saying, 'is this nightstand still available?'.
Is it available in this color?
What is the actual size of it?
Alright guys, I hope that explains sales funnels a bit more for you.
A bit more about how to set up your Facebook posts in the furniture realm
and really, a strategy you can use in any sort of retail realm.
If you're posting on Facebook organically (which is for free) or if you're running paid ads, just make sure you get a specific funnel for each one of your products or services; you'll have a much better conversion rate in the long run.
- Put in those URLs to the product/service page; not to the main page.
- Push people to that product or service page over and over again with your Facebook and Google Posts/Ads.
You'll see much better results.
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Thanks again!
Marshall Garth