Own A Furniture Store? Limited Marketing Budget? FB Might Be Your Best Bet in 2020
If you own a furniture store it can seem like Facebook is a waste of time.
BUT, when done right, Facebook can be a huge traffic source. In fact, for most of my clients it is their largest traffic source; both in store and on their website.
Facebook ads are becoming more and more valuable in the furniture store niche.
If you own a furniture store or run the marketing for one, AND you have a limited budget AND you want to get both awareness to your furniture store and butts in your nearest location (or get them to your site to take a look at some of your top products) Facebook might be the best spot to start for 2020.
Blog transcript:
Hey guys Marshall here from How2Ecommerce.com Today I want to talk about running a furniture store on Facebook and why, in 2020 Facebook Ads might be your best bet; if you're on a limited budget. So Facebook ads are always, fairly cheap; and a good way to start out if you're just trying to get brand awareness; but lately people have really (lately=in the past few years) people have really started to move over to Facebook for recommendations for local businesses or where to buy things like bedroom sets or other types of furniture, so if you're running a furniture store, it has become more and more effective to run Facebook ads; for the brand awareness side of things AND for selling products.
A Product Feed is A Good Place To Start - If You Have Inventory In Stock
If you have a pretty standard inventory, or at least a set number of products that you always have in stock it's a good idea to set up a product feed to your Facebook page. Start running ads to those products. You can tag products in posts and, soon, you’ll be able to have customers buy your products right on Facebook!
Boosting Posts is A Great Idea - When It Is Done Right!
It is also a good idea to just put up posts and boost those posts as long as the post is linking to an actual product. If you're just linking to your website those ads are not very effective, they're okay for brand awareness, but people want to look at a specific item which they see in your post. So, remember to either tag your products in your posts (you need to first have a product feed installed) OR drop a link to the product in the text of your post or the comments. That way your viewers can go right to the product on your site.
What type Of Ads should I Use On Facebook?
One of the best performing ad types for furniture stores in 2020 is the carousel ad type. It allows you to post a new link for each slide. That helps keep your products separate.
Second ad type I would recommend (albeit not as much) is the normal image post. Post at least 20 to 30 images in one post. Usually, this type of post works best with one product instead of many. One product, showcased by 20 to 30 images gives you viewer a lot of angles to sort through; then tag your product in each post OR drop a link to the product on your site.
Easy right?
Boost your posts with a few bucks a day ($2 a day minimum) and watch the website views roll in.
Special note about Tagging Products
Tagging products allows you to send a person directly to that product in your feed and then to that product on your site. Facebook, as Mark Zuckerberg said in there new plan of attack for the next decade, is going to be doubling down on e-commerce; eventually you'll have customers check out directly on your Facebook page; they started that feature a few years back then took it away; they're going to bring it back. That makes it really really important to get your product feed going.
All right guys I hope this was helpful. if you have any other questions or want to do some further learning check out more blogs and guides on our site.
I'm constantly building out tutorials and marketing guides as well as video courses; more of them to come, here in 2020.
If you want to advertise on the podcast give me a shout with the blue chat button at the bottom of my site.
If you want me to check out your site and review its marketing, SEO and paid advertising on a future podcast (or privately), through a live review, which I do weekly, for free, for any business that emails me, just email the podcast or hit the blue chat button at the bottom right of your screen.
Thanks guys have a great day!
Marshall Garth
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